Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Tim and I fancied a longer walk than our usual constitutional, so I parked near  a footpath leading to the South Devon Coast path. We’ve walked this route once before, but now another path has been added to Hoist point, probably about a mile away looking at the map. Ok for a short ramble I thought as I was wearing Wellington boots not walking boots. Hmm, an hour later we reached Hoist point, a mile, hmmm!
The views were spectacular but I only had my phone not a decent camera, plus the weather was dull and cloudy, not good for photography.
My intention was to get to Hoist point and turn around, however, looking down from our lofty spot (see photo) in the distance I could see Westcombe beach with Bigbury and Burgh Island. The island is quite an interesting and famous place see and for local information.

Looking at the map it appeared better to bash on to Westcombe and then back via Kingston with the appeal of the local pub, the Dolphin Inn, always in my mind.
Tim enjoys a beach, particularly ones with some stones for him to chase. It’s always a noisy affair with him barking for me to throw them. I tell him to fetch and he rushes off to get the stone but never brings it back - just himself for another one and so on until I get fed up (he never does)! We had the beach to ourselves, that’s not really unusual as it can only be accessed by foot or boat.
The return walk is through a valley with a very steep hill leading to a country lane. I must be a bit fitter than the last time I went this way, as I only stopped twice for a rest rather than 4 times! When we reached Kingston, it was time to head home for lunch so I never did get to the pub for a pint of beer- note to self, time it better in future!

Back home, Tim decided he had walked more than enough for one day so retired to the back of the sofa with 'tennis' and the sun!

1 comment:

Izabell Fagan said...

What a beautiful spot!