Sunday, 22 April 2012


This is the view from the front of the MH

Monday, our departure day was not a good one, just as we were about to leave Di knocked 3 glasses off a shelf, glass everywhere in the kitchen and gashed 2 fingers - blood everywhere. Really bad cuts across her finger joints, so bad I thought she may have cut some tendons. Fortunately that was not the case. I cleared that up and left in the MH, coupled up in the next town but I dropped the A frame on the electrical socket on the back of the van, which naturally snapped the plastic. I managed to fix it with a bungee for the trip but it will need some re-engineering.
Third mishap, I tried to adjust the rear view monitor screen which is clipped to the rear view mirror, damn thing came off in my hand! We stopped after about a mile and I managed to re- attach it.

We arrived at Trewethett Caravan Club site just after lunch time. The site was relatively empty, allowing us to get a good pitch overlooking the sea. There’s an old saying in caravan circles that you don’t get a good view without a lot of wind- how true as gales swept in that evening!
The MH rocked all night with us, including Timmy, trying in vain to get some sleep. The next day we were like zombies!
Tuesday night was the same, and then I had an idea, buy some jacks to act as steadies under the rear of the MH. The nearest place I could think would be Barnstaple, about 50 miles away on narrow Cornish roads. I think it took us about 90 minutes with a few mistakes as the road improvements were unknown to our sat-nav. The hydraulic bottle jacks were a bit more expensive than I thought as they only had 3 ton ones in stock but what the heck, we need to sleep!
On our return I installed the jacks under the metalwork supporting the tow bar and to our delight it worked far better than I hoped, with no more rocking and we managed a good night’s sleep.
Ok, what else have we done since Monday, well not a lot really as Di’s feet are very painful restricting her ability to walk much.

Finally, no blog would be complete without a photo of Timmy!

1 comment:

jo said...

Rocking motorhome all night?! AT your age?! DOn't think we all need to read about that really do we?! xx