Friday, 13 February 2015


 Yes, February 13th, unlucky for the Sycamore! It was a beautiful tree but caused so many problems, not the least being the buildings insurance company didn't know about the size and height and would certainly  invalidate any claims if the tree collapsed onto the bungalow or the road below.
It also created a lot of work having to sweep up the leaf casings in the spring and the  leaves in the autumn plus cleaning out the rainwater guttering and the moss on the roof growing in the fallen sap.
My amateur radio aerial was also supported by the tree so that no longer exists but I'm currently working on erecting an all band vertical (Butternut HV9).

We watched the work for most of the day while providing tea and coffee for the 3 "fellas"!
The logs were eagerly snapped up by a neighbour for winter fuel on their log burner.

 Photo below is an interesting one- there was only one falling log but the camera, in it's infinite wisdom, decided it was a backlit shot so took 3 exposures and combined them. So why not 3 logs, dunnow!

Good for wood turning I wonder?

And there it was, gone!

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