Monday, 3 July 2017


 While at Hutton le Hole we visited Whitby with Di's sister and husband John. Whitby seems to be the fish and chip capital of the UK with more chippies than any other town! It's also famous for Jet which is made into jewellery- Di just had to buy a ring!!! There are also the Abbey ruins, see later blog.
Whitby Jet is a natural organic gemstone formed from the compressed wood of the prehistoric Monkey Puzzle or Araucaria tree, found along a two mile stretch of coastline between Robin Hood's Bay and Boulby, nearby to Whitby, North Yorkshire.


 What a temptation for Timmy, he would eat the lot!
View down the coast (yes, it's obvious but I have to add some comment!) 
 Meanwhile back at the motorhome Timmy just has to investigate what's under this hatch........ doggy grub.

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