Tuesday, 17 May 2016


 This is our first trip in the new MH. As usual a new vehicle always seems to have problems, this time the heating system doesn't have a mains electric option as an alternative to bottled gas. The specification shows it, but it would appear there was an oversight during manufacture. It will be going back to the dealer for a retro fit.
This is the view from our pitch, quite an elevated spot (good for vhf ham radio!) Mid right there's a label pointing to a large building on the horizon 10 miles away, it's the infamous DVLA!
Having spent the last 2 weeks preparing the MH, we are both pretty well knackered and have spent a lot of time on site just watching farming on the opposite hillside.

Meanwhile, Timmy spends most evenings looking for cats until it gets too dim to see! Photo taken handheld at 1/4 sec at 6400 ISO.

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